Victor -- Watching

Victor was watching the commotion from a safe distance with a slight grin on his face, he had reached everyone just in time to see the shouting battle between Spati and Ghosti. No one had seen him; of course, that was fine with Victor.
What fools. They were both shouting about something neither of them could control! Couldn't they see that this was also part of NiddHogg's plan? He liked to do this, as Victor well knew. Divide and conquer. "That's what he did to Jo Soon and I. . ." he thought, feeling a stab of pain in his left side. This was what it was like, though. Being immortal was no fun. . .these kids couldn't imagine the pain and suffering it caused.
"Niddhogg knew. . ." he said quietly to himself "That was why he did this to me."
Victor flexed his fingers and looked at them, almost in disgust.
When Spati mentioned Luna, Victor had to smile. He remembered her. How could he forget? Luna had been jealous of him, that Victor knew. He and Luna had met once or twice, courtesy or Niddhogg. Niddhogg always seemed to cling to Victor whenever Luna was there. . .as if he was showing Luna that she didn't own him; but of course, Luna didn't think so.
Oh God, he was playing the martyr. . .not that Victor could really blame him; hadn't he done the same thing years ago?
