Victor -- Death

Victor saw Spati rushing at him, his sword pointed directly for Victor's heart. Should I move? No. The katana pierced Victor's chest, he felt a stab of pain. Blood rushed up his throat, he coughed, blood coming out of his mouth.
A tear ran down his face, but he just smiled.
"Fuck. . ." he whispered "it hurts a hell of a lot more than I thought it would."
Spati let go of his weapon, he looked horrified. Victor just shook his head, blood was gushing out from the hole in his chest.
"Thank you." He said, touching Spati's hair. "You. . ." but Victor began coughing violently, he dropped to his knees.
Looking up at Spati he smiled "You don't know how good you have it. Parents, they don't--" more blood. Victor was feeling faint. "They don't mean a thing. Right now is what's important, the people you have right now love you. They don't think of you as a freak or a monster." Victor struggled to stay upright.
"You can't live like I did, never trusting anyone. Look to the future and don't be consumed by your past. You don't know how special you are. This whole world, everything it's all coming down around our heads."
His sight was going, everything was turning black. "Shit." He thought to himself. We're going to die? What did we live for? Why did I call him here? Why did I call any of them? If I was just going to die, there was no point in sending them here. . .
Victor fell to the ground. What an agonizing way to die.
"I always thought I'd be the one to kill myself."
