
I ran to Victor and grabbed him right before he hit the ground. "V-Victor, come on man, not're supposed to be can't die!", I yelled as Victor was bleeding at an amazing speed. Just as I layed Victor on the ground, the sound of footsteps ran into the room. I spun, soaked in blood, to see that Moonsong was at the entrance. "Moonsong...", I mumbled as she looked at me and then at Victor, lying there on the floor. "No...why did it have to be I will be hated...", I thought to myself. "Spati, what happened!", she shouted as she ran over to Victor. She noticed my blood soaked claymore on the ground and stared at me. "Spati...what did you do?", she said as I backed away slowly. "Please...don't look at me...", I began to cry, and as then it became harder to see. I stared at the ground to see that I was eyes were bleeding. I roared as the shadows struck me and wrapped around me again. This time, I transformed further in a bird like creature, but this time, I had a spiked dragon tail under my bird tail, and my arms were becoming dragon like. My teeth became fangs and I had spikes running down my back. My hair turned silver and ran down to my tail. My legs became that of a bird, and my toes became talons. I roared as I thrashed about in pain. "Moonsong...please..leave...go NOW!", I shouted as I couldn't control my anger and pain. I lunged at her, but Moonsong ducked as I flew over her anfd out the window. "SPATI!", Moonsong shouted as she ran after me.
