
I twisted and turned,trying to get out of Niddhoggs arms. I had a hard time fighting the urge to just relax in his arms cause he looked JUST LIKE Spati. And his words drifted through his lips like a beautiful song. "Now now, little girl, Im not going to hurt you."
"Ya? THats news to me." I spotted a flash of blue to my left. I relaxed a TINY bit. Mayura and Littie are following us. They can tell my friends that. Then I flashed on Spati and Victor. I know what it looked like but Spati wouldn't hurt anybody. And that Ghosti. I thought she was my friend. Jealousy started forming a knot in my stomach. How come she got to spend so much time with Spati? I bet shes giving him puppy eyes right now. I had an image of Spati and Ghosti skipping through a meadow and I smiled. Like Spati would ever skip!
I kept turning and I bit Niddhogg on his arm. It tasted foul. Like the dead. He kept holding me in his arms firmly and wouldn't let me go. I wasn't scared of the air. How I wished I had wings that would slap him in the face.
"Bad girl! Thats no way to treat your friend now is it?"
"Your not my friend." I said firmly. "Your a monster who is in alliance with Lila arn't you!"
"Oh her...yes shes my friend but we mean no harm to you. Not to YOU anyway."
"DIE!" And I bit him again. At this he squeezed me with invissible ropes so tight that I couldn't breath.
"Not so hasty. Im trying to help you."
"!" I managed to squeak.
"YOu know what im planning dont you?" I had a image of the moon pop into my head.
"Yes" I said sadly.
"And you are linked to the moon. Correct?"
"Yes." His voice was so soothing. And I started to sway.
"Your the only one who can control the moons enormous power. Im still on track?
"Yes." Thats all I knew. That one word. I dont know what was wrong with me. My eyes fogged over.
"And you can help me with my plan. Which will be good for all of your kind."

Even though I didn't want to say it. I said it. "Yes" And all I saw was darkness. I could hear but even that became muffled. I heard Spati trying to help me. But all I saw was Niddhoggs breath on my ear. Telling me his plan.

I need help.
