Moonsong~How did I get in this situation

Man was I pissed at Ghosti. She shoots Spati in the heart, goes all lovey-dovey on him and then trys to help me? I can help myself. But I have to pretty scared that Niddhogg will attempt to turn me again. And I dont know if I can fight it.
Spati asked me if he could talk to me so I would meet him down by the pond later. I went over to a clearing filled with flowers. I wasn't suprised when Mayura and Littie came flying down to greet me. Mayura's beautiful, sleek blue fur glinted in the moon. Littie imedietly jumped on my head and started rambaling nosense about me being more careful and how I should know better than to get caught by a...lots of colorful language there and I started to think I should start giving Littie some lessons on manners- and la di da di da. I sat down and I layed there in the flowers. Mayura rolling in the petals so they flew up in the air and sparkled like dandilions. I looked at my diamond gemstone as it glinted in the light and gasped. It was pure black! I shut my eyes tight and fear crept up my spine. When I looked back it was back to normal-a diomand gemstone with a black heart in the center swirling with magic. Maybe it was a dream? A trick of the light? My own fear?
Then Lila appeared. I got into fighting stance and Mayura and Littie got ready. "Now, now, now. Im not going to hurt you. Your a very delicate flower. Thats still blooming." She picked a blue rose from the white floor and said in a very soothing voice "So pretty, this flower is. It resembles you. Pretty in the middle...but what contains the center?" The flower suddenly turned pitch black and she snapped it like a twig with her long nails.
"What do you want!" I yelled at her
"To make an alliance."
"Oh but arn't those new people fishy?"
"Not fishy,"
"And do you trust them."
"Well...not yet!" I was stuttering. What was she getting at?
"Well a little birdie told me they were in alliance with NIddhogg. And they came to spy on you and your friends. How do you think that girl ended up in Niddhoggs castle?"
"Um..." She had a point. "Why should I believe anything you say!"
"Because you have more trust in me than you do those people."
"LIAR!" And I whipped my arm and the moonlight energized it. I sent a ball of light and Lila and it got her in the gut." MY hands got stained with blood.
"Pain dosn't affect me. Nor will it you if you help me."
"I will never help you" I shouted as she faded into the moonlight.

I was a half in hour late when I finally got to Spati by the pond. "Hey, sorry im late."

I hid my hands behind my back so Spati woudn't see my blood stained hands. I would never help Lila or Niddhogg if my life depended on it.

Which it probaly did
