Yuuki ~ Update

Name: Yuuki

Gender: Female

Apperance: 5'5. dark purple hair and eyes, A purple dress with lace and purple ribbons, and black combat boots to match .

Personality: Smiles rarely and is not afraid to speak her mind when nessasary, but she dosn't talk a lot. She enjoys spending time with the few friends she has. Once she has a taste for battle, she cant get enough of it.Discovering her elven powers she becomes more confident and out going, A bit arrogant.

Element: Darkness

Specialties: she can cast black magic and has great agility.She can shape shift
on certain terms but has not truly mastered it.

Weapon: A Bow that has draining properties, and will morph into Dual blades for close combat.

Other:Friend of a cursed soul of the great abyss
