Moonsong~Combat again?!

When I woke up I was being carried by Spati. When he saw I was awake he dropped me. I shut my eyes. That jerk. Who drops a girl when your flying thousands of feet in the air. When I opened them I was hovering and Spati was laughing. I saw something behind me and I twirled around-but nothing was there. I relized I was hovering in the air and I gasped. I looked over my shoulder and 2 white wings were in my back. They were beautiful...I looked down and noticed I was wearing something diffrent also and my hair had gone to a really bright white. (I didn't know white could get lighter!) I twirled in air and experimented with my wings. Littie and Mayura came flying out of nowhere and they played with me too. " sorry to break this fantastic moment but we have people trailing us." I stopped in mid twirl and my smile faded. "Alright lets go. Ready to race?" And me and Spati and Mayura and Littie took off at 100 miles per hour. We kept going faster...and...faster untill I had a hard time breathing. We stopped at a little garden of flowers and then they followed us...Niddhogg and Lila. With many new people we have yet to meet.
