
I walked up to Tessa. "First off, thank you...for saving Spati. You must be exhausted! When I heal I always am. Next time let me help you since your just experiencing your powers." I smiled. I liked Tessa. I liked her presence almost as much as Spati. I didn't feel like she was evil or anything.
Spati and I started telling her about the Otherworlds and Niddhogg.
"Each of us came here for a reason. Whether we know it or not. Each of us has a diffrent specialty. Mine is power drawn from the moon, Spati's is space, and yours is...yet to be identified properly. There are others that you will still meet with other powers." I paused to let that sink in. "Now we came here because 2 worlds are colliding. This one and Althorias-the one we originally came from. Now Niddhogg and Lila and that orginization we just encountered with that retreated as soon as Niddhogg diappeared, are somehow envolved in this. Eaither they dont want us to solve the problem, or this is leading to another problem altogether. Its...terrifying."
"Wait, then how did I get here?" Tessa asked.
"Tess...each of us came here a diffrent way. I have no idea how you got here. I came here because these...people came to me and asked me to help. How could I say no? Only few people know about this." I looked at Spati. "Anything to add?" I stood up and collected some firewood then made a fireplace made out of rocks. Spati and Tessa continued talking. My hand covered my mouth and I blew then let it out over the fire and a blue flame started to grow. I blew on it some more and a blue fire was born.

We continued talking early in the morning. When my powers were weak.
