Yuuki~ Speed or strength

I surpisingly avoided the first blow with ease.More attacks followed and I easily doged them. Clank my daggers fell on the floor.How did that happen? They are always light enough to rest on any material with out ripping it. As I ran to my weapon it morphed into a sword, So cool, but as I touched it flames ingulfed it and next thing I knew it was a sythe. Morphing weapon might come in handy. Unfortunatly my moment in awe was ruined as I was hit with a club going at some record speeds. I took a moment to regain my balence, ignoring that gut wrenching(quite literally) Pain. I ran up in an attempt to attack with my new weapon,but I couldn't cut it's skin. As I braced myself for a counter attack she suddenly burst into flames.

Was that me or did that girl have a self destuct button. I watched as the room dissolved into dust. Now what? I should go look for everyone.Im so proud of myself, no matter what...im still as tough as nails.
