
What do you exactly mean by that...", I said. "What do I think of you...well, I think you're a great person, you're caring, happy, optimistic, and you're so far the only one that makes me feel like there's a reson to live.", I said as Moonsong was silent. "R-really...", I heard her say quitely. "Yeah, I mean...I love're the first person that I've ever been around that made me feel this way...back in our home world, I was alone, I lived in an abandoned apartment on the outskirts of a one came to the apartment, no one even asked about the place, so everyone forgot about it.", I said with a depressed tone. Moonsong was silent. "Thats's why I'm in love with're the first person in this world and in the home world that didn't think I was a freak or a made me happy.", I said as I let out a sigh. "Does that answer your question...", I finished in a depressed tone.
