Victor -- Yuuki

Victor had been walking hours, not really looking where he was going. He had to eat, to sleep, but if he stopped he knew that he wouldn't keep going.
Suddenly there was a rustling in the trees, whirling around Victor stood, ready to kill whatever came out of the brush. After a few minutes, a little black rabbit hopped out, sniffing the air tentatively. Victor smiled, how long had it been since he had seen a rabbit? This one was so cute, too! He slowly walked over to it. The rabbit just sat there looking at him; this was how it had been before, too. He had never been good with people, but oh how animals loved him! The rabbit hopped over and snuffled his pants. Victor sat down and pet the rabbit, softly whispering soothing words. Another one came out; this one was brown and gray with the cutest floppy ears. Holding out his hand, Victor called to it.
"Who's a cute little rabbit?" He asked smiling happily. "I could stay like this forever!" He said contently.
From behind him a figure emerged from the trees, unnoticed by Victor who was blissfully petting the rabbits. Yuuki stood looking at him, her eyes practically bulged out. This couldn't be the same Victor! Had he gone senile?
"What the. . .?" She couldn't even finish her sentence.
Victor looked around slowly. "Yuuki?" He asked "What are. . .how did you?"
"Dude, what's with the bunnies?"
Victor froze.
