
I watched as Spati fought the whatever-it-was, ran to Mooonsong's too still form, then transform, attacking the one responsible.

I May have been new to all of this, but I had to do something. I aimed an arrow at the creature. "Please work" i whispered as I released my arrow. This one was different from the other, normal arrows I usually released. There was a glow at the tip, and it pierced the creature's hide like a hot knife through soft butter.

Suddenly, a girl jumped at Spati, begging him to calm down. I kept firing at the creature, trying to keep it away from them. With every arrow, the glow got brighter and bigger, and pierced the creature deeper, but I couldn't tell if it was helping or just making things worse.

I knew I needed Spati to get us out of here, so I cracked my whip, snagging a couple of his wings. I sent a stream of healing energy down my whip, trying to heal whatever was causing this.
