Victor -- Bunnies and a Plan!

Eat them? Victor looked at Yuuki then back at the rabbits, they were so cute. . .
"Yeah, sure why the hell not?"
Victor grabbed one of the bunnies "how many do you want?"
Yuuki looked at him "I dunno" she said after some thought "I am pretty hungry."
"Well, you're in for a treat because I make some mean rabbit stew." Victor winked.
A few hours later the two of them were sitting by a fire eating out of a large pot that Victor had mysteriously "found".
"So," Yuuki asked "what's happened to you since we've been gone? You sure look a lot different."
Victor gazed into the fire; there was a long silence, Yuuki didn't think he'd answer until, after a few more moments he broke the silence.
"You guys are in a lot of danger, you know. I wish I could be of more help. I want to tell you more"
"So do!" Yuuki said harshly. "Tell me all you can! I'm sick of being left out! I'm sick of not knowing why I'm here!" Her face contorted in anger.
Nodding Victor took another spoon full of soup. "You were brought here by Them, for what purpose. . .well I can only surmise."
"Gone on."
"Well, as far as I can tell this world needs champions. The humans back on earth don't know about this world, and some people would like it to stay that way. They sent me to look after your band; what a bang-up job I've done, too." Victor added disgustedly "I was supposed to watch you, to keep you from straying too far off the path. They didn't think I'd get so emotionally invested; after all I'm supposed to be made of ice, figuratively speaking. Hell! I didn't think I'd like you all, either. I think it's because I synchronized with my other self, but that is neither here nor there." And Victor looked straight into Yuuki's eyes "This world is colliding with the other because of humans like you."
Yuuki gasped and started to speak, but was cut off. "Shhh! Let me finish!" Victor snapped. "Humans with powerful psychic abilities. Most of them don't even know that they're doing this, but those depressed people who just want everything to go away, everything to be different, to finally be noticed; they are what is bringing the two worlds together."
Yuuki breathed, "Are you sure?"
"99% positive. And I'm also very, very. . .concerned about Spati. I fear he is taking. . .a bit too much on his shoulders. I think I may need to, ah, relieve him of a few of those, what can we say, pressing memories?"
"What-what are you saying?" Asked Yuuki in wonder.
"Look." Victor said "I'm not perfect, and I don't want to get my ass fried, and I do care about this little band, no matter what I say; which is why I need to play the bad guy." Looking at her with unflinching eyes, he was silent for a few moments before he finished "I don't think I can manage on my own, not with the plans that I have made. . .will you help me?"
