Victor -- The Time It Takes

They ate in silence. It was nice having someone who appreciated his food, for once. Victor was used to eating alone, usually he didn't go through all the trouble of making it taste good, but tonight was a special occasion.
"So, this plan?" Yuuki said after she had demolished all the stew.
"That. . .can wait." Victor murmured. "It's late, I'm tired and I'm sure you are. We should get some rest, for tomorrow, I plan on finding the rest of the troupe."
She nodded quietly. "Where is a safe place to sleep?" Yuuki asked.
"Oh, I think I know a place." Victor said mysteriously. He got up and Yuuki followed.
They walked along the woods for awhile, the night was getting deeper, stretching it's soft hands over the windswept world.
Yuuki stumbled a bit, she was half asleep; after all, that's what a good meal tend to does to a body.
Victor smiled. "Up we go!" He said, hoisting her up on his back before she could protest.
"What do you think you're doing?!" She spluttered indignantly.
"Shush, girl. You'll be sleep walking before long, and I can't have that! These woods are very dangerous if you don't know them."
Yuuki tried to snap out a witty comeback, but she was far too tired. "You'll pay for this later." She mumbled.
"I'm sure I will." A smile played across Victor's mouth.
Victor walked along, listening to the sound of Yuuki's regular breathing. How nice it was, the feeling of someone's heart beating against his back. It reminded him of the time Niddhogg had been hurt while the two off them were battling a dragon. Niddhogg had insisted he was alright and refused to let Victor carry him saying that he'd "never be able to live down being carried by a Nancy-boy like you!" Victor shook his head. Push them back. Don't remember.
A cabin appeared in the distance. There it was, the only place he had ever been able to call home.
He mustered up the last bit of strength and hurried toward home.
Opening the door he heard the familiar sounds of two young girls chattering on, a man's voice wafted through, Victor couldn't tell what he was saying, but presently a girl came out of one of the numerous rooms. She looked up at him through her long brown bangs and grinned gleefully. "Welcome back, Victor!" Turning around she called out "Hey! Victor's back!"
Another girl appeared, she looked much like the first; her hair was brown and long with thick bangs. She was short and very skinny, like someone just going through a growth-spurt. Her eyes glowed green in the half-light of the room.
Then he appeared. He just was there, no warning, nothing that could signal his coming. Standing in the doorway was an elf, slim and tall. Clothed in a black turtleneck and black pants. His long silver hair was tied back in a neat ponytail at the nape of his neck. He had the most marvelous purple eyes surrounded by thick black lashes which contrasted his pale white complexion to create a very startlingly beautiful effect.
"Ralph!" Victor said setting Yuuki down on a nearby chair. "I missed you!"
Walking, half stumbling, Victor reached out to Ralph and hugged him.
Smiling, Ralph hugged back "How've you been doing, my friend?" He asked pulling away and looking at Victor. "My! But you've changed, why, look at your hair!"
Victor touched his hair a little self-consciously.
"And who is this?" The elf looked questioningly at Yuuki, asleep on the chair.
"Ah! This is my. . .friend, Yuuki. We needed a place to stay before we headed out, and I was thinking maybe. . .you had room?" Victor bit his lip, a little unsure of himself.
"Of course! You may stay as long as you like! Come, let me show you a room."
