
We ran over hills and mountains, since my wings were extremely small, so I couldn't fly. It was about midday when we arrived in a burned up forest, with a castle in the center. "Here, we could rest there.", I said as tried to find the truth of my reasoning. The others nodded as we walked up to the door. I pushed it open and we all walked inside. It was dark and Ghosti was holding Luna as the door closed behind us. Tessa spun around to open the doors, but they wouldn't budge. The lights flickered on, reveiling a large room with surgery equipment scattered everywhere and dead bodies and body parts scattered everywhere. Blood soaked the cieling, walls, and flooded the floors, and crystals lined the walls. "Where are we!?", Ghosti said as she covered Luna's eyes. "WELCOME...ADVENTURERS, TO MY "HOSPITAL"!", Leon shouted as he dropped out of a hole in the ceiling with a young girl. I froze when she landed and my legs went weak. "", I said as I felt tears roll down my face.
