
I just stood there, tears in my eyes, as Ghosti had suddenly grabbed me as a spell was cast and almost hit me. "", I couldn't believe this, she was gone and now she's trying to kill us, trying to kill me. I was scared, actually scared! I didn't know what to do for the first time...all I could do was stand there in confusion. Moonsong dropped from the ceiling and landed on all fours. Ghosti stepped up and showed her fangs. "Why...what did the monster do to Moonsong...", I starred at the two of them as they ran toward each other. Suddenly, I felt a clod weigh down on my heart, and a chill run down my spine. My pulse sped up, and I couldn't control this urge, this feeling of loneliness and hate. "AHHHHHH!", I screamed as I dropped to my knees as I went beserk. My wings grew larger and I went into monster form, like those times before. I screeched as I burst toward them and collided with Moonsongs magic. I hissed as it shattered and my claws tore through the tiled ground. "SPATI!?", Ghosti shouted as she tried to restrain me and force me to calm down. Luna was freaked out, the boy Spati, thar she knew was this thing, this monster. I twisted my torso and Ghosti was sent back toward Tessa. I roared as I shot a ball of gravity at Moonsong and she countered with a ball of magic of her own.
