
"Sorr, I can't fly with my wings this small!", I laughed. "Well, alright...anyone else?", she asked. Luna smiled and nodded as they went together. "Wonder when this will where off...", I sighed as Ghosti ran up to me with Moonsong. I Looked at Moonsong who was wearing a jacket and had cat ears. I blushed as Moonsong sat across from me and Ghosti just laughed. "'s funny seeing you blush as a 7 year old!", Ghosti chuckled as she sat down next to her. "Just because I look 7 doesn't mean I've yet to become a 7 year old!", I shouted and Moonsong laughed. "Ah, come on...I think he looks cute like as a 7 year old...he's so small!", Moonsong said laughing. I blushed even harder and tried to look away, which just made me blush more.
