
I was...falling. At least i'm pretty sure I was falling, it's hard to tell when your eyes are closed. I opened my eyes and blinked a couple times. Nope not falling, I was standing. Everything was dark, I couldn't see anything. Suddenly there was a flash of light and a girl, who looked just like me, was standing in front of me. "You came here seeking adventure?" She asked. The light was fadding and she fadded with it. "If this is the portal thingy to the otherworlds, then yes." I anwsered wondering if she was still there. Anothor flash of light and she reappered. "Then adventure is what you shall recive." She said holding out her hand but the light was fadding again. I took her hand before she fadded away, I wasn't going to be left behind again. I felt myself falling forward, I wasn't sure when I passed-out but I knew this was going to be awesome!
