Epilouge III --- Ralph

The elf groaned. Children! No wonder why Victor had been so tired out that night!
"I should just leave him." But that boy, Spati as Victor had called him, that boy had hit too close to home. "Think of myself as a monster? I was talking about Victor." And yet. . .sometimes, "sometimes I am a bit of a monster." Ralph slapped a hand to his forehead and sighed "Victor wouldn't want me to leave them alone." Ralph had made up his mind "I won't do their job, per say, I'll just act like Victor did. . .let only 2% of my powers out. Hehe, that's right. I'll pretend I'm afraid of that Spati child's power." With that Ralph was out of the house.
Leon? That was what the pipsqueak had been called. Good lord, this was too much.
"OKAY CHILDREN." Everyone stopped and looked at the elf, he was radiating energy, he demanded respect.
"I'll only say this once, so you had better all listen." He looked at Spati, the kid had a thing for undermining power and thinking he was all that. Killed a God? Hah! He hadn't killed a God. It was a Demi-God, Ralph knew this for certain. Gods were much. . .well, they were impossible to kill.
Once Spati was sufficiently quiet and cowed, Ralph continued. "Leon." He said looking at the new comer. Leon shied away, good. This was how Ralph wanted it.
"You, boy, need to stop this. Torturing each other is a pathetic waste of time. The WORLD is in danger and here you two are just settling sibling squabbles?!"
Spati started to interrupt but Ralph looked at him, and the boy was silent.
"This world will soon be colliding with the other. 90% of the population will cease to exist. You band of 'heroes' need to get over this pain and sorrow. Good God!"
Spati could take no more, with a scream he leaped at the elf only to be stopped seconds before he could make contact. Spati looked around in amazement, he was in a force-field. He couldn't move, no matter what he tried, or how he struggled. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!"
"Oh quit whining." Snapped Ralph, "I'm doing you all a favor. Victor told me you ALWAYS try and carry everything on your own back, even the things you don't have to. You need to rely on others more!"
Spati struggled in a futile attempt at escape. "Fuck off!" He screamed.
"Fuck off? How mature. I'm trying to help, here." From behind Ralph another whoosh; Leon, who was going to attack the Elf while he was distracted, found himself in the same predicament as his younger brother; trapped.
Spati had NEVER met anyone this powerful before! What strength! He felt drawn to this strange elf.
"I won't be here for much longer, but let me tell you. . .the minute I see you kids farting around and trying to disrupt the peace" here he glared so ferociously at Spati and Leon who the both shivered "I will personally come down and kick both your asses back to earth." With that Ralph knocked both their heads together and grabbed Leon by the ear. "You, boy, are coming with me!"
"WAIT!" called Spati.
Ralph looked around, "Spati, I'm letting you loose. I think I can trust you to pay attention to your people now, they very much consider you to be the leader of the group. I'm taking your brother with me, he won't bother you for a long time."
"Wait!" Pleaded the boy.
"What?" Ralph turned to look at him once more.
"Teach me. . .to be like that! I want to be that powerful!" He sounded so desperate, Ralph just shook his head.
"You are strong enough, Spati. You must use your strength to better yourself and your company. Don't bring yourself down to your brother's level."
Tears collected in Spati's eyes, "But how? I've been alone all my life! I don't know how to lead people!"
"Just don't succumb to the darkness in you, and I do believe you'll be fine."
Ralph smiled and patted Spati's head, then he and Leon were gone.
