Epilogue --- Once More With Feeling

"Wonder if anyone of those elves I killed knew you" The words had cut though Ralph like a knife. He had been so dazed as to let the brat go!
"Not a God, eh?" A nasty smile spread across his face "we'll see how you act after I show you just how powerful a Favored One can be!"
Whispering softly, the elf summoned Incendio, the fire God.
Incendio looked at Ralph, "My sweet" He cooed "how doth thou fare?" Touching Ralph's cheek, the God looked worried "What hath happened in my absence, oh beauteous rose?"
"I need you." The elf grabbed Incendio's long red jacket. "I need your power!"
"And thou shalt have it, little one. Tell me what thou wishes, and I will do all in my power to grant it."
"I need you to find a little rat named Leon." Ralph's voice was dripping with hatred and contempt. "I need you to find him and bring him here!"
"Thy wish is my command."
The God leaned down and kissed Ralph sweetly on the forehead. "We shall meet again when the deed is done." And with a whirl of flames he was gone leaving Ralph behind.
