Moonsong~Rainbow Wings!

I woke up in the caramel grass with TONS of white flowers. The sun was setting and i was still lying on the grass when the setting sun reflected a lot of color into my eyes. I looked behind me and i caught my breath. I had rainbow wings! They were orginally white but then it was like somebody poured oil on them or something because they shimmered rainbow colors in the sun. I flapped them and the light was really bright i had to look away. "Hopefully that dosn't shine in anybodys eyes anymore." I said to myself.
I layed back dowon on the grass and Mayura and Littie came to join me in that diappearing-then-reappearing way of theirs. I petted Mayura and scratched Littie's head, thinking of how i could stay here forever. But someone was missing...
I finally noticed i was wearing a dress again "uuug~" I said. I hated dresses. They get in your way and shorts and jeans are way better anyway so why wear a dress? I looked underneath and it turned out i still had on my blue outfit underneath. When im fighting i could just tear the dress off but why would i suddenly wake up in a diffrent outfit? It seemed to happen like that to everybody so...
I stopped thinking and was comforted my Mayura's deep,deep black wings as they wrapped around me and kept me warm, Littie curled on my chest and we all fell asleep in a clearing with white beautiful flowers.
