Moonsong~Not asleep

I woke up when i felt a presence 100 yards away. As i concentrated more it was just Spati but i still pretended to sleep. I needed to practive what i was going to say. "Oh Spati! Im so sorry i treated you like that. Won't you ever forgive me?" No. To pushy
How bout "Spati...hey...want to go catch some food?" That would be awkward and not like me at all. Finally i opened my eyes and sat up. I looked directly at him hiding in the trees. "Hey." I said
"Hi." He replied.
" sorry." He smiled and his face brigtened.
"No problem! Want to get something to eat? Im staved." I smiled.
"Sure." We were walking along and i noticed Spati was diffrent. He had bandages on his arm. Why?
I walked closer to Spati and he tensed. Then i put my hand on his his arm and closed my eyes. I tried to sense if he was hurt. But i found nothing. Spati was still blushing and i didn't know why. Then i relized i was VERY close to him. I wanted to jump away but i felt like i would hurt Spati's feelings so i just stayed there. My face growing redder by the minute.

Mayura and Littie were leading the way to a feast so i wasn't worried about food at this point. More like how close i was to Spati.
