Yuuki~Nightmarish truths

"Im scared"
Images rushed into my head. When I opened my eyes I saw a little elf-like girl, however she didn't seem to be able to see me.
"Humanoids are bad people" The girl said softly "Go away!" the girl yelled I thought she was talking to me but then I noticed alot of humans surrounding her/us in an area that looked like it used to be a huge forest, now just a small one."you're all monsters..." she continued I thought she was going to say more (I was kind of rooting for her) but then the ground turned dark red and the next thing I new we were both falling...

I sat up ,alarmed. What a dream. Ghostie was still asleep and the sun was going down again.
That girl can really sleep. I started a fire and roasted the extra food in my backpack which was wierd(I don't remember catching rabits)But soon the thought was gone as I started eating. I left a little for Ghostie I bet she'll be starving when she wakes up.As I looked around at my surroundings,It was quite a barren waste land-wait that one tree... my blood went cold, this was the same place from my dream.This once lush place was definatly the place from my dream...
