Moonsong~Whats happening to me?

I woke up to excruciating pain in every bone in my body. Spati was still asleep and a shadow watched me carefully. Another flash of pain echoed through my body. One more and it stopped completly. I dug around in my sack untill i found some leftover sun-berry pie and ate that completely. I waited for Spati to wake up but he never did. Mayura and Littie sat up and got all ready to go. "Wat Moony up to?" Littie would ask.
"I dont know myself." I said quietly.
Another flash of pain made me gasp. Something was hurting...something. I looked in the direction of a forest. Something was calling to me in there. So i got up, saddled myself on Mayura and took off.

A while went by and the forest kept growing bigger and bigger. When i was almost there a monster attacked. It was a shadow beast with wings. A lvl B. One i could handle. I couldn't handle a lvl E...the one that killed me...i let that thought go and jumped off Mayura. I Opened my wings and drew a circle in the air with silver. Then i shot it and continued doing the same thing. It was damaged severely when i stopped but it kept coming. I got ready for another one when a second shadow beast appeared. What the? It attacked Mayura and she gave it a swipe. Mayura was handling one and i was almost done with one. When i sent magic waves up its arm a third one came a swiped Mayura on the wing. She gave a yelped and fell 10 feet in the air. THe two were gainging up on her. I punched mine quickly in the face and dove to handle the other one. I cried when i saw blood dripping down Mayura's beautiful blue hide. Another swipe and she went down like the titanic. Falling at 100 miles per hour. I dove down to help her and Littie but the two remaining blocked my way and the one i punched coming up from behind. Damn! It was sunny. I wasn't that strong. Finally, i stopped, even though i was so worried about Mayura, i stopped. Then i whispered a spell and i flew high. Then disappeared.
They looked around and then i slashed one all at the same time with a twirl. They disinagrated into dust. I quickly dove down and searched every inch of ground. ANother flash of pain told me i had to go. It was urgent.
I quickly closed my eyes and a picture of the moon, bright and shining in a dark place. I whispered "Spati, please find Mayura and Littie." And i knew he heard it. Because i just knew it. I didn't know how but i knew her heard it. Now lets just see if Spati does what he's told.

Then i headed again in the direction of the forest. Tears in my eyes. I rested against a cliff for a second to let my tears soak my cheeks.
