
I cracked my eyes open as the sunlight shown through my wings. "I understand Moonsong.", I sighed as I stood up. The gaint figure dissolved as I flew into the air and began to look for Mayura and Littie. Their presence was near the forest so that was where I flew. Suddenly, two creatures attacked me and blocked my path. "Son of a-", I hissed as I flew to the ground. They stood there in front of me and ran their bladed arms across the ground. They roared and ran at me. "Don't mess with me...", I mumbled as I caught their arms and spun. Blood splattered as their arms tore off and I smashed them with my wings. The monsters screamed as they burst to dust. I continued to walk through the forset and tried to sense Mayura and Littie. After about 30 minutes of searching, I found them...and an E class demon. "This one's like the creature on Luna!", I mumbled as I leapt out of the way of it's claws. I grabbed my Chakrams and threw them. They pierced the creature and tore off its wings. It roared as it lunged at me. "Awaken Behemoth...Order 5: Execution!", I shouted as the black figure's arm turned into a blade and sliced the monsters head off. It collapsed to the ground and burst into flames and dust. I walked up to Mayura and Littie, who seemed to be okay, but Mayura wasn't. I grabbed some ointment and bandages from my bag and treated Mayura. "Where's Moonsong?", I asked as the two ran off deeper into the forest and I followed them while wrapping my arms with bandages. "I'm coming Moonsong...hold on."
