here again

I continued flying inside the forest. Suddenly a flash of bright light blinded me and i was in a intersection between worlds. It was were we came with Ghosti. Or was it someone else? Anyway, i was staring at many portals. This time, the portal to Luna was even more poisoned than last time. Purple and black swirled on the surface and i could no longer see what it used to look like. I closed my eyes and focused on the aura. It used to be silver,a bright blue and white but now it was being swarmed by green, purple and black. Something was very wrong on the other side.
Now do i enter it? Do i enter it? Of course i friggin enter it.
On the other side, everything was wrong. The beautiful silver grass was turning a sickening yellow, The silver snake in the midnight sky was fading, the trees leaves were sulking and a silver ooze was seeping underneath. But this was Luna. My part of space that connects to the Otherworlds. Where i draw my magic from. But something wrong.
A lvl A monster was coming at me while i had my guard down and i shot a ball of magic at it. But then it turned red and shattered. "This is just like the last time i was here."
I took out a knife and slashed at its arm then twirled and cut open its head. Gross.

Finally i relized what was wrong. There was little magic in Luna. And it was draining by the second. That was the bad feeling i felt the last time i was here...and also what im feeling right now.
