
I woke up again to find myself in the same dark room. I struggled once again and finally the straps came loose. "Alright...I need to figure out where I am...", I said weakly. The whole time I was here, I didn't eat or drink, and there was no light after the crystal died out. I stumbled around until I found the door and opened it. I followed a long dark hallway as it came to a open cavern area. "What is this place...", I said as I felt my way around. Suddenly, a fist caught me in the gut and I toppled over onto the ground. The crystals lit and in front of me was the Large Gilliam, with his spike arm. "Where you going?", he said in broken english. He grabbed me and threw me against a wall, applying force to choke me. "Can't let you go, you stay here...YOU DIE HERE!", he shouted as he threw me into the cieling of the cavern. "I...don't want to use this...", I mumbled as I grabbed my bandaged arms. "No use, you can't use magics!", Gilliam roared as he stepped towards me. I tore the bandages off, reveiling my black claws. THey grew even larger, about the size of a mature dragons claws, and I lunged toward Gilliam. The claws tore threw him and shredded his body like ribbon. Gilliam screamed as his body disintegrated. I was breathing heavily as the arms went back to normal. "Using magic on myself is dangerous, I don't think it's wise to do that again...", I sighed as I walked toward the door leading out of the cavern.
