Moonsong~Taking care of this first

I watched Tessa carefully as she skillfully swung the whip around. In some ways it looked like she was dancing. Then i dodged a tail from a Green Dragon while i cut another with my magic, "Its so good to have magic back!" i laughed widely. I was spinning and cutting and twirling all over the place. Spati was taking care of many at a time and Tessa was defeating one after the other. Soon there was nothing left. "That was easy." Tessa said out of breath. I laughed.
"Some good practice."

Then we headed out of the temple. And Luna was rejuvinating slowly. The tree leaves slowly turned upward towards the sky, the gray snake slowly slivered its way through the sky creating the trail and the grass slowly regained its silver and lime color. Luna was back.
"Okay. Im guessing Leon isn't going to be stealing magic from only Luna. Has anyone been feeling weak or hurt? Spati?" he didn't say anything. "Tessa." She had her head down. "Okay, but lets go get out allis, k? The more the merrier right?"
Spati smiled. "Yeah!" Tessa,Spati and I flew off to where i sensed Ghosti's and Yuuki's aura. But i couldn't sense Lepidus or Aibori. I didn't know Aibori very well but Lepidus...and then there was that gold and magenta in the distance with Luna...Wierd.
