The second machine


Leon traveled over the mountains west of the castle. He pulled out a small ball from his pocket and it grew larger. "Now it's time I set things in motion.", he said as he dropped the ball onto the ground and it opened up reveiling a large hourglass machine. "Start the gathering process.", he shouted as it spun around fast and a green energy began to flow into it. Suddenly, Leon heard footsteps behind him and he turned. "So, I wondered if you would ever show up...Luna.", Leon said as Luna approached him. "I'm not going to follow your orders anymore...I going to destroy you!", Luna shouted as she ran at Leon with a long blade. "Leon snickered as he pushed his glasses up and he disappeared. "Poor little puppet, who wished to be human...but neglected you were and now you wish to deal out vengence.", Leon said as he appeared behind Luna and kicked her onto the ground. "", Luna said as she stumbled onto her feet. "Don't you remember...I said that this mission was your second chance...but YOU JUST HAD TO GO MESS UP...but it'll all be over soon, just relax.", Leon whispered as he sent his steel wires around Luna. The wires wrapped round her and cut into her. "No Leon...s-stop this...", Luna choked as the wires cut her. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust...", he whispered to her as the wires cut through her arms and legs then returned to his gauntlet. "Even in this state, you'll have worth if my brother and his group find you...but sadly, you were just a pawn...OROBOROS!", Leon shouted as the wires spun together to form giant silver serpent to could be seen for miles. "It spun and pierced Luna, sending dust and debry and blood all over the ground. "The end...", Leon finshed as the serpent uncoiled and returned to the gauntlet. "Now where did I put it...oh yes.", Leon muttered as he pulled a black stone out of Luna's body. "I will take back my magic stone now.", he said as he opened up one of the stitched on his chest and slide the stone inside it. Black magical energy flowed around him and was absorbed into the pendant on his gauntlet. Luna's body shriveled up like a prune as her life force was split between the machine and Leon's pendant. "Now, onto the third location.", he said as he ealked away and the ground died around him from the hourglasses absorbing power.
