Moonsong~Another person?

Shortly after a while i dropped Yuna. My arm was hurting and she kinda slipped. She screamed on the way down and i didn't know what to do so i swooped down but my Mayura is so smart and Yuna dropped on her back just before she was about to hit the ground. She looked to me and smiled. "That was so fun!"
I cracked up and fell to the floor. Yuna started laughing to and i thought i saw Yuuki's lip curve upwards a bit. We laughed for...i dont know how long but i think i lost about 5 pounds just from laughing. When we started up again i felt a wave of uneassiness. A very strong aura was by us felt like it was wild. Strong but like it belonged to a lvl one...person? No thats not the word. Chiro.
I looked around and a blue aura stood out in the tree's. Maybe we could pick up someone else along the way.
