Old Friends, New Enemies.

Victor followed the the spirit residue that the little group had left splattered all over the place. They were so messy! The ghost wondered how none of them could see it.
"It just screams 'I'm here and learning powerful magic!!! Come find me!'" Shaking his head he trudged along.
More and more spiritual residue coming in even more different colors. They must have brought more people here. . .
Ah! There they were. Victor could here voices and feel descent in the air; these people still didn't know how to pull together!
"Nothing has changed."
New people. More girls. Victor came to a standstill. That girl. . .she looked just like Melissa except, blue hair, no, don't think about it. Victor had done well in quelling the memories of the Human Victor, but some had filtered through; Melissa, the reason why Human Victor had become so jaded.
"Hello." Victor called out, but no one heard him. He tried walking in front of each of them and talking but nothing happened. The ghost tried to touch them, but it wouldn't work.
Victor shadowed them for awhile as they introduced new people and got to know each other.
"Screw this!" Victor muttered. "I'm sick of these babies anyway. Isn't that why I died?"
Where to go? Suddenly a flash of pain hit him and he had an idea.
Victor traveled up to where he sensed the spirit, of course this one was better at hiding himself than his counterparts.
"Hello Leon."
Leon whirled aroun "WHO'S THERE?!" He shouted, then he saw Victor. "You. . .you're supposed to be dead!"
"And there's the trick, love. Never ask an elf to kill you; they just don't have what it takes."
"And what are you doing here?" Leon asked suspiciously.
"I got bored with the whiny snotty kids and decided to come to the real action."
"Oh really? And you think I can trust you?"
"You did before."
"And that was before you ripped my heart out and burned my lifeless body."
"You tricked me into killing everyone I knew." Victor smiled. "Plus, don't you want a competent partner?"
"Why would you leave them and come to me after all I did?"
"Because, I'm bored of them. I like changes and they don't quite make the cut. Plus, you're far more. . .exciting." Victor experimented a little and tried putting his arm on Leon's shoulder; to his delight it worked. "And I think deep down, you still like me. After all, you wouldn't have given me an immortal body if you didn't. So what do you say, mmm?"
Leon breathed out slowly, the two were so close their noses were almost touching. "All right. You always were smart. I could use someone like you on my team, too. But if you betray me, I'll kill you where you stand."
"Deal." Victor smiled evilly. "Time for destruction."
Leon smiled and put an arm around Victor. "You're mine now. Always remember that." He whispered.
The not-so-ghosty-Victor winked, "always." He replied.

So yeah, I decided that the bad guy side was getting a wee bit sparse, so Victor's going to tag along with Leon. :D I'm sure he'll make an excellent bad guy.
