Rain-I love you...

I saw Moonsong and Yuna heading my way. I smiled and asked "Hey, what kind of flowers do you guys like?" "Why, are you gonna poison us with a perfume?" asked Yuna. I laughed "No silly, I'm gonna be picking flowers later. Do you guys want any?" I asked. "No thank you" said Moonsong. "Ok, bye! See you in a bit. Oh, and I'm really sorry about everything. It was all my fault. Please forgive me?" I said. "We'll think about it." said Moonsong. I waved goodbye and went off.
On my way, I bumped into Spati. I dropped some of my flowers. He helped me pick them up. "So did you ever say sorry?" He asked. "Yea, they said that they'll think about it. So, what are you up to cutie?" "Nothing really, I'm practicing on asking Moonsong out. Oh! I know. How about I pretend you're Moonsong and I do everything that I'll do on the date. That's if she says yes." he asked. "Oh, of course I can." He took my hand. I smiled. "Hello, Rain. I was wondering... Would you go on a date with me?" He said. "Um, sure." I laughed. "Ok, since that's over with. Now it's time for our date. Follow me." He said. He took me to a nice table next to a waterfall with a perfect view of the sunset. "If she says yes, there is going to be a plate of sushi in front of her." There was a candle on the table. He pulled out my chair and we sat down. "So what's your favorite color?" he asked. "Blue." "That's cool."he said.
After a while, we took a stroll by the sunset. Hand in hand. We stopped and he looked into my eyes. He kissed me. "What about Moonsong?" i asked. "This is what I'll do on the date. So you are basically Moonsong right now." he said. He put his hand around my waist as i put my arms around him neck. We kept kissing. I felt so warm in his arms. The Dawn was breaking and the light was shining through. "Spati?" I said. "Yea?" "Some how, You're always on my mind. Please, don't stop here. I finally found that you and I, collide. I may not be prettier than Moonsong or treat you better, but we collide. Would she do this for you? Spati, I love you. I've said I love you to a lot of guys. But you, I really mean it..." I said. "I love you too." I felt like flying. I hugged him. I stayed in his arms.
