Tessa~Creepy doesn't even begin to cover it...

Moonsong and I headed off for the Void. I followed closely, not wanting to be left behind.

"Oh you don't? Really? You want to go through with this?" a sarcastic voice in my head asked. I quickly silenced it. Hearing voices? That was so cliché.

When we got to the portals, I could all but smell the sickness roiling out of one of them. Moonsong turned towards it, and I braced myself as we entered. There was something very wrong about this place, and I was glad that some of my abilities had nothing to do with magic.

As we went deeper, I suddenly saw a sight that made my stomach turn.

"Moonsong, what is that?" I whispered, motioning toward it. The scent roiling off of the thing was stomach-churning. How did Moonsong not smell it? Then it hit me? What I was smelling, she was probably seeing, and I shuddered. This place gave me the creeps.
