Moonsong~More trouble!

I ran quickly towards the hourglass. It didn't see me coming. My burned arm was hurting so badly that i ran even faster. I raised my sword and crashed it into the mark i left last time. A gush of wind and light came out in a hurry and my arm was healing! I had made a hole for the magic to escape. I ran over to Tessa as her face was pale being aqueezed so hard but once i sliced the pointy hands, color returned to her face. "You okay?" I asked.
"I've got a serious burn on my back and a gash on my hip." I put my hand on her back and rubbed my diamond magic into the wound. She was good as new.
We both got up and before she could say thanks, hands came sprouting out of the ground. HANDS! We both screamed as one grabbed at out legs. We got ourselves together and got ready to fight...zombies.

My worst fears are Zombies, ghosts and really big bugs. I screamed so loud, hoping Spati could hear me, hopefully the moon was out and i could talk to him even if i couldn't see it. I closed my eyes and pictured the moon, i was so nervous i screamed so loudly "SOMEBODY HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!"
