
Leon unfroze just as they left. "Hehe...oh well, looks like she wasn't of any use to me.", Leon laughed as he walked back down the stairs to the crypt. "It doesn't matter...I've obtained enough magic for this part of the plan anyway.", He sighed as he looked down at the dead body of the girl he called Asuka. "We'll be together soon...very soon...", Leon choked as a tear rolled down his face. He poured a silver liquid into the coffin and poured the stored magic energ into it. "I call the souls of the gone to head me...bring forth the spirit of this lost one and return it the the living...bring the fire and breath of life into this body and make anew, a life that was fallen.", Leon chanted as the coffin glowed. Color returned to the girls face as a heart beat sounded through the dead halls of the crypt. "It is done...finally, I brought you back to me!", Leon said with an almost never heard happy tone. He hugged the girl as she rose up and looked around. Asuka stepped out of the coffin and stretched. "Where..am I?", she said as she looked around her. "You're in an abandoned fort I made home.", Leon said. "Leon...is that you?", she mumbled. Her eyes became unclouded and she seemed to come out of what looked like a hypnosis. "Oh Leon...I so glad to see you, I've missed you SO much!!!", Asuka said cheery. "I've missed you...I'm so glad I was able to bring you back.", Leon choked as tears ran down his face. Leon stepped back and smiled. Asuka looked just like she did before she was killed. She had shoulder length bed head light blue hair in pig tails and red eyes. The figure of her body resembled that of the Hela girls', but a little more rounded. "Um, you should probably get some clothing.", Leon chuckled as Asuka looked puzzled. "Wh-Why am I naked Leon!?", she shouted and was blushing. "Remember, you died...", Leon said as Asuka knocked him to the floor and stepped on him. "PERVERT!", she shouted. Leon laughed and stood up. He handed her the clothes she used to wear. "I guess I'll forgive you this time.", Asuka giggled as she put on the clothes. "Well, how do I look?", she said as Leon turned around. Asuka wore a red tank top with bandages wrapping her arms, with a black hakama. "Good.", Leon said. "Now, I'm going to leave for a bit to wash up!", Asuka said as she ran out of the fort and toward the forest. "She'll be alright, the only person to know who she is, is Spati.", Leon said as he walked up and out of the crypt.
