Victor -- Reunion

"A meeting eh? Should I be naughty or nice?" Victor made a throaty laugh. "I think I like naughty" Victor clicked his teeth together.
Concentrating, Victor made an incision length-wise letting the blood spill on the mossy ground.
"Spirits hear me and protect thy child." He whispered, his eyes glowed bright teal; his whole body tingled and started to glow dully. Victor let out a breath that glowed gold and teal. "Protect and defend!" He commanded; his voice boomed out impressively. The glow faded and he closed his eyes. "Right. Time for the reunion." Victor heard a crash in the distance but he payed no heed, Leon was capable of taking care of both himself and the girl.
The sun's blood red face slowly rose in the distant horizon, coloring everything a darker shade of red. Victor loved red, Victor hated red. It reminded him of good times and it reminded him of bad times.
A blot appeared in distance. People. Victor could smell them from miles away; or to be more specific, he could smell their power and soul. Anyone trained in soul detection could tell where they were in an instant. Their soul rolled off them in waves. It was so primitive! Why hadn't they learned how to hide it? Victor sneered in disgust. That was why he liked Leon! The man had the decency to conceal himself.
Victor spread the most condescending and arrogant smile he could muster (and believe me, it was one hell of a maddening smirk).
He sauntered up and stopped just six feet away from him; none of them noticed him until he made an exaggerated yawn.
Spati whirled around raising his weapon defensively, as he saw who it was Spati sort of spluttered in amazement. "Wh-What?! You're dead!" He gasped.
Victor raised an eyebrow, this fool had broken through his spell? Interesting.
"Apparently not." He replied dryly.
One of the girls that Victor didn't know looked from Spati to Victor questioningly. "Spati? Who is this and is he a friend or foe?"
Spati smiled reassuringly "He's a friend, Tessa."
Tessa stared at Victor dubiously, "Somehow I don't think so. . ." She muttered.
"Don't be silly Tessa! He's a friend of ours who we thought we'd lost!"
"She's right!" Yuuki hissed "I don't like that condescending smirk!"
"Hey, guys! I know him, he's okay. He did a lot for me, for all of us!" Spati insisted trying to calm everyone down.
Victor's smirk spread. "You know, Spati, for a leader you should really learn to listen to your people a wee bit more."
"We're not his people" Yuuki spat.
"What do you mean, Vic?" Spati turned questioningly to face Victor. His eyes widened as he saw the weapon in Victor's hand; it was a huge chainsaw with vicious hooked edges that looked like it could rip right through the earth. It's edges were stained in blood and it had an evil looking eye emblazoned on the bronze handle.
Victor held up his right hand to show a ring on the middle finger "I belong to Leon now."
Tessa ran at Victor letting out a roar. Before she had gotten three feet Victor held out his hand and made a fist. Tessa felt the air around her grow thin. She could barely breathe. Gagging she fell to the ground.
Spati cried out and started forward.
"I wouldn't do that!" Snapped Victor "Unless you want her to die."
"Why are you doing this?" Spati screamed. "You are my friend! WHY?"
"Correction; I was your ally. But I got tired of baby-setting you. Do you realize how frustrating you all are? I try to help you, to point you in the right way, and you don't even listen. You have to go around blundering into things. Hell! You can't even conceal your spirit!" Victor snorted "Leon has class, he's got style, he's got pride, and more importantly he has a plan and doesn't go around whining like you whelps. With him you get what you see! You expect him to betray you, and at least you know it's for a valid reason!" Victor paused for a moment and when no one answered him he went on. "You people turn on each other so quickly! You can't band together and trust each other completely! It's a wonder you've gotten this far."
Yuuki growled.
Victor twisted a finger and Tessa gasped, her eyes bulged.
"I wouldn't try anything if I were you. I hear suffocating is a horrible way to die." His smile turned vicious "And I'm a master at making death painful."
"You bastard" whispered Spati.
"Hey, at least I trust my partner." Victor hoped Leon finished soon. All the energy exuding from these little kids was starting to make him nauseated.

Sorry for the gigantic post, guys. The words sort of just spewed out on their own! >A<
