
I was sitting with Rain and Arryl. I felt bad for yelling at Luft. But he deserved it! I went to sit down by an odd shaped rock. My eyes widened, I froze. I saw Moonsong hiding behind a bush. There was some girl next to her. Tessa was being suffocated, while some guy was talking to him as if he was mental. My vision stopped, I got up. I knew I needed to help. "What'd you see?"asked Rain. "The group's in trouble! We need to help!" I replied. "How?" Arryl said. I grabbed her hand. I started running towards where Luft would be. "Luft! Come on! The group is in trouble!" I said. He got up and took my hand...Again... "Where are they?" asked Arryl. I stopped. "Good question... Where would they be..." I said. "Can't you see your vision again, then just look at the back round?" asked Rain. "Nope. But..." They looked at me. "I bet I could find out."I said. We started running running.
We finally reached to a weird place. "I see Tessa." whispered Arryl. I looked over to where she was. I saw Yuuki behind the guy I saw in my vision. Moonsong and Yuuki spotted us. "Stay here!" I whispered to Arryl, Luft and Rain. I tip-toed over to Moonsong without the guy spotting me. "Who's that?" I asked. "That's Victor, he belongs to Leon." Moonsong said. "That's great..."I said sarcastically.
