Spati- Questions and Answers

I looked over at Moonsong and nodded. "So Asuka, did you arrive here with Leon?", I asked. "Yes.", Asuka replied. " you know what Leon is planning?", I asked next. "Huh...I didn't know he was planning anything.", Asuka said as she dunked her head in the water. "How do you no-", I stopped Moonsong from finishing. "What?", Moonsong whispered. "Best not to tell her yet.", I said as I coughed. "How long have you and Leon been here?', I continued. "Not sure, all I remember is that this entire area here was once a village.", she replied. "Elves?", I asked. "Yeah, I think so.", she shouted back. "But Spati, how would she know that...she would have to have dead for years.", Moonsong whispered. "I think I'm starting to figure this out.", I said. "So Moonsong...I need you to look for any kind of mark, like an injury.", I said.
