Victor -- Worn Out

Victor shook his head. He had to get these things out. All the energy that was seeping out from these kids, it was making him sick to his stomach. He'd been particularly sensitive to other peoples' auras since he'd come back from being dead. He stumbled and Leon caught him before he fell.
"Steady on there, old boy." Leon murmured.
"Sorry. The energy is making my head explode, I wish that I didn't see them, feel them, absorb them, but it's just something I have to live with I suppose."
Leon gave Victor a strange look. "You always were susceptible to that, weren't you."
"Hey! I could say a few things about you. . .speaking of which, I'm digging the new look. Very sexy." Victor's laugh turned into a cough and he turned; walking quickly away. He had to get away from all this.
"Hey! Victor!" Leon caught up with him "You look like shit. They really pulled a number on you, didn't they."
"Sorry. I. . .I . . .AGH" Victor fell to his knees, clutching his head. His eyes burned, his mouth was dry. The light was too bright, it hurt. A cool hand closed over his eyes.
"Calm down, you're beat up pretty badly and all the energy has worn you out. . .Sheesh! They need to learn how to control it. You've absorbed too much." Leon shook his head. "I'll take some of it from you just this once."
Victor felt a tingling sensation in his fingertips and eyelids, he started getting sleepy. That's right, it'd been days since he'd had any sleep. He felt his body relax, it felt heavy and a little numb. Great! He thought to himself, I'm going to faint right here in front of Leon, right on the ground. Leon probably won't even bother to move me. Ahhh, hell. And with that Victor's eyes had closed, he had fallen asleep.
