Rain-Top Of My Lungs

I looked behind me as I was sitting on a log. I wanted to know what the meeting was about. I made a plan that in the middle of the meeting, I would interupt and show Luft the picture I made. i made flirty faces at Luft, then He looked away and Yuna rolled her eyes. "Ok, so this better not be another waste of my time." I said. "It won't be, we're just going over some rules."Tessa Said. "Now Rain, why do you hate Yuna?" She asked. "Because she's stealing my man! First I'm trying to DO him, then Yuna gets in the way when we were having a great time. I plan on making love again! Without Yuna... Emo people like me deserve this." I said and looked at Yuna. Yuna got closer to Luft. My face got red. "STOP YOU MOTHER FUCKING BITCH!" I screamed.
