Moonsong~a presence

Once Tessa walked away I inspected the wound. It wasn't completly healed but it would do. That didn't stop me from trying myself though. I closed my eyes and I felt the power course through my arms and onto Sparks back. I rubbed my hand over his back and opened my eyes. Darn! It wasn't as bad but it was still there. I wrinkled my nose in frustrastion and stomped over to a tree where I sulked for a few hours. I was mad at myself for not being able to heal that danm wound!
Thats when I heard a shuffle in the bushes. No one else seemed to notice and it didn't move again but I felt a small presence...but it was faint like it wasn't alive...very weird. I continued watching the bush untill a very cute boy emerged. "Hi" he said in a silky tone. "My names Ciel"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a Ciel is new otherworlds member. He emailed me and asked if I would introduce him. He'll post shortly...I think. Lol
Just wanted to let u guys know.
