
I was walking home with my groceries in my hands. The sun was creeping slowly behind my town i lived in as i turned a corner. I waited for the light to turn red and i walked across the street. Halfway there though i heard a scream and a truck came around the corner with a screeching sound right towards me. I dropped my groceries and tried to make a sprint but i wasn't fast enough. Just before the impact of the car, i caught the drivers face-a white face with fed eyes that glowed and a smile with fangs.

The scary part looked just like me.


I woke up blinking back bright lights. I was strapped to a table and i looked around at my surroundings. It was a lab was as far as i could tell. Disorted figures were contained inside a huge plastic tube that slept in a green liquid. It felt like i was reading a book and a mad scientist was doing strange experiments on creatures. As far as i could tell, i was one of the creatures.
After a few minutes, a man walked into the room with a white lab coat on followed by a man with deep red hair. The man in the lab coat had two diffrent eye colors-green and red.
"Hello~" the man said with a smile. "My name is Leon. And i have a task for you." All i managed was a small squeak.
"What do you want with me" i managed to choke out.
"I want you to bring someone back. I have been planning on having a meeting with them but...things have gotten in my way. So i want you to bring her back."
Her? Who is this? I hope she isn't scary like our science teacher. "What if i refuse?" i said.
He smiled so that his teeth showed. "I created you, you know? I can easily take you out of this world again and back to the body that lies in the hospital back at your small little town. Where the doctors try to bring you back even though your gone. The don't have the skills like i have to bring you back...a little disorted but im working on that." I frowned. What did he mean? Was an extra arm placed on my leg or something. I looked down. Nothing.
"So will you do it or will you do nothing...forever." He was threatening me. Well, theres nothing better to do so i just tried to smile and said "Your wish is my command oh great one." I think i over did it a bit but he held my life in his hands so...

"Okay then. Vic, show him where they are located." I frowned again. "I thought it was just a her i was going to bring back." I said.
"Yes but some obstacles might get in the way. Now shoo shoo, i have more work to do." Then he waved his hand a a giant oval appeared in the air. The surface shimmered as he walked through it. I looked on the other side but he didn't appear. Wierd.

Once the red haired guy unstrapped me, i relized i had wings on the back of my back. I spread them out and i grinned. "This is complicated...and fun" i said outloud.
"Your telling me?" The guy said as he led me out of the lab.
Sorry its so long. I wanted to make it as intresting as possible. Ill post telling about how i get to the group. I've been reading the Otherworlds for a long time but never knew what was the best time to post. I hope its good.
