Ciel<<<My first...friends?

Long story short, Victor shoved me off a cliff and just let me fall. He yelled to spread my wings but I was screaming so loud I didn't hear him and just kept flappin them instead. Then I landed in a bush that cusioned my fall but still took me a while to get myself together. That's when I saw a group of people through the leaves of the bush.
I was supposed to catch a girl with this discription: white hair with sharp red eyes that was very dangerous. I suppose I might as well ask these people. They seemed kind enough.
When I emerged from my bush I introduced myself. I was immediatly greeted by the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had shoulder leangth extremely white hair and red eyes that sparkled more than diamonds and a very cute smile. Her name was Moonsong.
I was also greeted by a strong looking boy named Spati, a sweet humourous girl named Yuna, another girl that stood back a bit named Tessa with very nice hair, yet another girl named Yuuki with a small smile, a very skinny guy named Luft, a girl named Rain that I was told should be careful of who also had nice shiny blue hair...and last but not least...a giant cat with a small animal mixed with what looked like a squirrl and a small rabbit. I was a sucker for animals. Wonder who they belonged to.

I was having so much fun getting told what the group was doing and just having fun that I almost forgot what I was supposed to be looking for. I was about to ask if anyone knew anybody who might fit the description when Moonsong came and sat down next to Spati and smiled at me. Guess I could stay a while.
