Leon-Times a wasting

Leon sat there and fiddled with a rubix cube. He had already had four of them completed on the table next to him, but he was bored. "What is taking him so long?", Leon sneered as Victor and Asuka walked in. "Is the boy back?", Victor said as he picked up one of the cubes. "Ohhh, what boy?", Asuka chimmed as she wrapped her arms around Leon. "A friend, but..ALL I DID WAS ASK HIM TO RUN A SIMPLE ERRAND!", he shouted as he fell out of his seat. "You're bored aren't you, but where did you get all the cubes?', Victor said as he set one back down. "You'd be suprised by all the things Spati had in his room. Did I ever tell you that I can can solve these in only 35 seconds...Spati can in 40 seconds.", Leon said as he clicked the last part into place. "Done, I guess we could go meet him and see if he did what I asked.", Leon said as stood up and put the hood over his head. "Lets go, times a wasting...lets see if he did it.", Leon laughed as all three stepped into the portal.
