
"Asuka, please head to the castle, and prepare a room for our guest.", Leon said as Asuka nodded and disappeared. A bright light hit them and they appeared in a meadow not far from the group. "(Coughing)...remind me to lessen the magic force, eh Victor. Now then, place a barrier around the camp and seal the skies...kind of like a dome.", Leon said as they walked into the forest. They approached the fire as Victor set the dome. "Hello there everyone!", Leon said laughing as him and Victor moved into their view. "Leon!", they shouted as they readied their weapons. "Hey now, I'm not here to fight, just here to speak with errand boy is all.", Leon said as he shrugged his shoulders and activated his cables. Suddenly they wrapprd around everyone's weapons and held them high in the sky. "Now then, to finish the delivery...Ciel, grab Moonsong!", Leon shouted, a seriously ticked look raged in his eyes. "But-", he said as Leon stepped forward. "DO IT OR DIE BOY!", Leon shouted as Victor took stance. "But they seem so nice, why Moonsong...she doesn't seem dangerous!", Ciel shouted as he backed away. "YOU said I had to find someone that was dangerous...Moonsong doesn't fit that at all!", Ciel continued to shout. "I don't know what you're planning on doing but...these people are nice and you would hurt her wouldn't you!", he shouted again. A grin spread across Leon's face. "Oh, why of coarse not...I would never hurt her.", Leon sneered. "But, they were all making it sound like you would hurt them.", Ciel said. "That's because they like to overexaggerate...remember, I can bring you back to your body, I'm the good guy!", Leon smiled and Ciel's eyes grew wide. Victor hit him in the gut and Ciel collapsed on the ground. "Hold him!", Leon said as he moved forward. "Now Moonsong, come with me and I won't hurt anyone of your friends anymore. I'll even give my brother the cure to his corrosion.", Leon said. "Back off!", she shouted as she jumped away. Moonsong flew into the sky, only to be pushed down by the dome. "Ah yes, forgot...I've made it impossible to fly!", Leon laughed as Moonsong stood back up. "I'm not going!", Moonsong shouted. "Fine!", Leon shouted as he grabbed Yuna and Luft by the back of the neck. "I don't like this way but...come with me or so help me I'll have these two bite the dust!", Leon hissed as he squeezed. "Stop!", Moonsong shouted as she ran up to Leon and attacked with her sword. "Foolish girl...", Leon yawned as a red skeletal arm came out of his back to block the sword. Spati lunged forward to attack and was knocked away by another arm. "Now come with me!", he shouted as he speared Spati with the thumb of the arm and trapped Hela with the palm. "Anyone else who gets in the way will NOT be spaired.", Leon hissed as Moonsong tried to run again at him. "Remember!", Leon shouted as he squeezed Luft and Yuna. Moonsong stopped as they struggled to free themselves. "Hehe...Victor...leave the boy with them...let him help them, it'l be a good laugh.", Leon said as he walked up to Moonsong and threw Luft and Yuna to the side. "What are you-", Moonsong was interuppted when Leon tapped her forehead and she passed out. "Now then, see you later!", He laughed as the arms went back into his back and Leon and VIctor disappeared into the portal.
