Victor -- The Amazing Stupidity

Victor turned the tablet around in his fingers. "Interesting." He flicked the tablet high into the air and caught it with one swift fluid motion. "I need to pay those brats back anyway" he sneered, feeling his nose; it still stung, damn them. How dare they hurt him?! His teal eyes narrowed in malice.
"You won't even have to let them know you're coming. Just a quick stab to the back. . .it's what you're best at." Whispers came from inside his head.
"No, we should make it bloody and brutal! The more painful the better."
"I wonder what's wrong with Leon. He seems. . .out of sorts."
"SHUT UP!" Screamed Victor, hitting his head forcefully. "Keep talking and I'll kill all of you."
"Be that way!"
"Fool!" The whispers seemed affronted, none-the-less, they ceased their annoying chatter and Victor's mind was at peace.
"Time to use the magic pill!" Victor crowed, running up a long flight of spiral stairs to the top of the tallest bloody tower in the whole bloody castle. Giggling with glee, Victor dashed to the window and sprang gracefully out into the open air.
Blood streamed up to the sky as Victor inserted a pointy finger-nail into his wrist. The blood landed on Victor and morphed into gilded red wings that sprouted from his back. Keeping his wings closed, he plummeted toward the ground and a terrifying speed, then, just before he splattered his guts on the ground, Victor unfurled his long, bat-like wings and zoomed off.
