Moonsong~Im here again

The bed was as hard as cardboard,the fruit was fake and the only company i had was Asuka. That last part wasn't bad an all, in my time talking to her, we were having lots of fun. Except for the fact that the bed was making my butt ache and my stomach kept making noises every few seconds. I was pitiful.
Finally, Leon came back. I immediatly jumped up and socked him in the face. "How dare you!" i yelled at him. "You abandon your brother, threaten Ciel that he'll die if he dosn't do as you say and now you capture me? AGAIN!!!!" I was about to get ready for another punch but he quickly put his finger over my neck and i passed out...AGAIN!!!!

When i came too, i was in the same room i was when i woke up in my body as a diffrent person. And guess what? I was in the same cloths. A little to showy for my taste. I was feeling de' ja vu. Along with a feeling of dread.

I waited for the feeling when my eyes would turn yellow and my pupils turned to slits and i would be under the control of Leon...again! How did i let this happen to me!!!
