Victor -- Magic Pill

"So everyone is gathered at the gate!" Victor laughed viciously.
The entire group whirled around, expecting the worst.
"Oh." Sneered Yuuki, "it's only you."
"Well yes, me and this lovely little pill." Victor licked his lips and bared his teeth in a nasty grin. "Enjoy your dream everyone." With that he broke the pill in half and blew the fine powder it contained in everyones faces. Suddenly they started dropping like flies at the door.
"W-what did you do?" Spati's voice sounded strangled.
Victor knelt down by Spati and patted his head consolingly. "Don't worry, boy. You'll be a lot happier where you're going. . .I promise."
Soon they all were asleep, smiling softly. Whistling, Victor hopped over the bodies like he was playing some demented form of Hopscotch. Sticking his hand on a flat piece of stone, he whispered a single word; a door in the wall appeared, not far from the gate and Victor stepped quickly through it.
"HEY! BOSSMAN!" Victor called walking toward Leon's aura. Soon he stepped in a room where he saw Moonsong, Asuka, and Leon standing around. Leon and Moonsong looked like they were in the middle of a ferocious argument.
"Sorry to cut in like this, but I took care of my. . .task." Victor broke the silence.
Both Moonsong and Leon looked at him, Moonsong was glaring.
"I have no idea what you want to do with the bodies, so I just left them laying there at the gate." Victor winked.
"Excellent work, Vic. I'll take care of them in a moment."
"BODIES?! WHAT BODIES?! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Moonsong lashed out at Victor, her face was red with rage.
"Whoaaaaaa now, princess. I'm just doin' what the bossman tells me to. So don't work yourself in a fit."
"Don't call me princess, you traitor! I can't believe you're just doing whatever this cold-hearted bastard wants! How could you betray everyone like that?!" Moonsong's eyes were glistening with unshed tears of hate.
"Listen love, life's a bitch no matter how you look at it. I just like being on the winning side." With that Victor sauntered out of the room leaving Asuka shaking with silent laughter and Leon smiling like a satisfied cat.
Walking up the stairs he turned onto a wide hallway that seemed to go on forever, on one side the hallway was lined with doors leading God only knows where, and on the other side were paintings of various people and scenery. Victor walked down the hall aways before he turned to a door. Tapping five times he breathed on it and the door opened on to a sterile-looking white room; empty except for one white armchair, a tall white wall lamp, an end-table, a huge white bed near a window covered in white drapes so thick that they would allow no ray of sunshine through, and several white bookcases that lined two walls; the bookcases were filled with neat alphabetical rows of books in white jackets with their names printed clearly on the spines. The only source of color in that strange white room came from a single red rose in a beautifully ornate milk-glass vase that sat on the end-table next to the white chair.
Victor breathed in the sent of rosewater and sighed. Here was the only place he felt at peace. The pure whiteness of the room calmed him; it's black and white checkered floor made him feel at home.
He sank down in the armchair and closed his eyes, allowing sleep to wash over him.
