Moonsong~poor Asuka

I couldn't believe he hasn't told her anything. What kind of boyfriend kept secrets from his girlfriend! That jerk! I know if Spati did that that to me I would destroy him! Not that he's my boyfriend or anything! But I still like him and stuff but not as a boyfriend or stuff. But I still like him and stuff but more than a friend you know? I realize I say stufa lot. I don't even know what im thinking anymore.
I told Asuka everything I knew about Leons ambitions. Her face grew dark and didn't say anything for a long time. When I touched her shoulder she shook me off. She still didn't say anything once we got to the cave. But once she stepped out of the canel, she turned around and smiled as brightly as she could. But I saw some moisture in her eyes. I felt sorry for her.
