Victor -- Storm

Leaping exuberantly down the castle hall, Victor whistled. A storm was coming, he loved storms!
"Hey, Vicky. . .why don't you ever see me anymore?"
Victor whirled around, ". . .Melissa?" There she was, her blond hair shining like a halo. No no no no no no no no no! This wasn't possible. NOT possible.
"You're a ghost." He stated blankly.
"Oh no I'm not, my pet. I'm a figment of your imagination come here to haunt you for your wrongdoings." Her smile, like sunshine after the rain.
"Well back off, twat. You're ruining my mood."
"It's what I'm here to do, Vicky." Melissa laughed sweetly. How could such an angelic face hide such a twisted human. . .no, Victor wasn't even sure she was human. The only feelings she ever showed were sadistic pleasure in causing pain.
I'm just thinking her up because that girl, what was her name, Rain? Looks just like her. . .Shaking his head he walked past the apparition.
"Don't bother, Mellisa. Didn't you know? Leon's the only one who get's to hurt me now."
"Oh come on Vicky. "
He knew that the only reason she ever called him that was because he hated it so, still it made his heart ache.
"Don't play tough! We both know the reason why you're doing Leon's bidding. . .and it's not because you like being bossed around."
"I don't know what the hell you're talking about." Victor snapped "Leon is perfect for what I want. He knows what he's doing. . .he's winning."
"Hahahahaha! You're still so naive! You know you just want a family and he's the only one messed up enough to accept you! Teehee~ Those other kids were smart, you know. They didn't want a nasty, tainted thing like yourself! I mean, come on! Look at you; those piercings! The scars!" She scoffed and continued "You have a personality defect the size of the grand canyon and you've been damaged so much that you can NEVER be repaired. Heehee!"
"SHUT UP." screamed Victor, standing as still as a statue.
"Oh," Melissa draped her arms around him and breathed in his ear "Leon's only using you; he'll drop you as soon as you become troublesome. You're a puppet and he's the puppet master. You'll be thrown away again Vicky, just you wait and see." With that Melissa had gone, leaving Victor trembling in fear.
"No!" He shouted, breaking the silence.
"I'm not a measly human anymore! I have power now! Who cares if he drops me." The smile that usually came when Victor had formed a nasty plan. "I wish I hadn't absorbed my human self sometimes, his memories are such a pain in the ass, and I have enough to deal with." Closing his eyes he breathed deeply, calling the wind to his aid, he started running. As he ran he got higher and higher in the air; soon he was standing with the clouds.
He surveyed the surrounding area, with a cocky grin. Victor wasn't as emotionally cracked as people thought. It was all too easy for Victor to slip in and out of different personalities, after all, he had split his soul into a million pieces so long ago.
There! He spotted the little group sleeping soundly. Time to make things interesting!
Jumping down from his place in the sky, Victor zoomed to earth; landing right next to Spati's body. Biting his middle finger till it bled, he crouched and opened Spati's mouth, letting a few droplets of his blood fall in. That should be enough to wake him.
"Sorry, Spati ole' boy, but I've decided your story isn't finished yet." Victor straightened up and was about to leave when something grabbed his leg. He started and looked down.
Spati was awake.
